Sri Trang Group pride ourselves for having very strong sustainability values instilled in our and in our stakeholders. “The Green Rubber Company” sustainability program recognizes our role as an environmental steward by placing importance on establishing policies and operational guidelines in accordance with the vision and objective of the program as our business grows.

To combat climate change and protect the environment, Sri Trang Group appointed an Energy Conservation Committee to establish energy saving measures to operate in accordance with the Energy Conservation Promotion Act 1992. This committee is directly responsible for the brilliant idea to power our production lines using biomass only, rather than depending on fossil fuels, to reduce our carbon footprint. A practice that we still follow until today.

Naturally, since there are a copious rubber plantations surrounding our factories, and rubber trees are chopped down after many years of harvesting natural rubber, the use of rubber wood as biomass was a perfect solution. Not only do we reduce our carbon footprint (see chart below), but we fully utilize trees to fuel our production lines once the trees have reached the end of their rubber producing lifecycle. Furthermore, replanting young rubber tress allows the soil and nature surrounding them to recover while binding carbon dioxide to reduce greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. This cycle creates a natural, sustainable, and environmentally responsible process.

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ศรีตรังโกลฟส์ จัดกิจกรรมปลูกต้นไม้ป่าชายเลน ปล่อยพันธ์ปลาและเก็บขยะ

ศรีตรังโกลฟส์ ร่วมกิจกรรมบางหมากสดใส ร่วมใส่ใจ เส้นทางสัญจร ครั้งที่ 1/2562

ศรีตรังโกลฟส์ ร่วมกิจกรรมเติมสี เติมใจ ให้บางหมาก
