Sri Trang Gloves share our love to China. Donating 1million gloves to assist efforts in fighting Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has become a very serious issue that is bringing fear and sadness to the world. The outbreak has taken many lives and the number of infected individuals is increasing, which is straining the supply of PPE in China, especially medical gloves.

Sri Trang Gloves (Thailand) is sending our love via our subsidiary Shidong Shanghai Medical Equipment (SDME). We are donating 1,000,000 gloves through Shanghai Charity Foundation to Shanghai Gov't Medical and related institutions reaching up to 15 hospitals to assist efforts in fighting this outbreak.

Sri Trang Gloves (Thailand) believes that the global community must unite so that we may fight against the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and similar situations. At STGT we appreciate and love every life that makes up this wonderful world. Our priority has always been to deliver the “Touch of Life” and support the world as much as possible. Said Vitanath Sincharoenkul (Director)

God save Wuhan, Stand by China.

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